
Backpack Drive

Equal Footing Foundation hosted a breakfast at Lakeside Farms Elementary on August 25, 2012. Our community event gave backpacks and school supplies to hundreds of underprivileged children in the Lakeside Union School District. Our goal was to give 600 backpacks filled with school supplies at the event.

Donate to the Backpack Drive Today!


In our community, 40% to 70% of students are living in “poverty” according to state standards and many students are on free or reduced lunches and breakfast. The students come to school with old or hand-me-down backpacks with little or no supplies. In many cases our wonderful teachers end up buying the supplies for them. Providing these children with basic school supplies and backpacks can drastically improve their confidence and increase their sense of pride when they attend school, and having a positive affect in their grades and overall ability to learn.

Please contact Leah Dominicak at or by phone at 406-396-3431 if you have any questions or would like to contribute to the Backpack drive.